Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Memorizing Scripture

Laurie taught the younger kids today. She did what she loves to do most, teaching kids to memorize a verse to a beat. It's really amazing to me how well she does, and how well it works. Today the kids memorized Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

If I could figure out how to add it here, I do have a 30 second video clip.

What a great reminder for us, not just to memorize scripture, but the very message of today's verse. Joshua and his people would certainly need this message as they embark on a journey that would involve a lot of bad and confusing days. I wonder how many times Joshua would say, "This isn't what I thought it would be like", or "Is this really the best thing I can do for God right now?" Not sure what you're going through today, or even some of the doubts you may be facing, but how reassuring to know that God is with us, wherever we are. That's great news for us, thousands of miles from home. And it's great news for you, wherever you are today.

It's been a good day here. Laurie and I have both had opportunities to meet with individuals for some counseling, and others just needing a word of encouragement. Thanks again for caring for us and praying with us for God's work to move forward here and at home. God bless you today.

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