Friday, November 14, 2008

Almost Home

Bottom line: planes just were not made for sleeping. Though we have nothing to complain about, the sleep thing just doesn't happen as one would hope. We may have slept a couple of hours. We arrived at LAX the same time as about 4 million other people did from various parts of the world. The funny part was coming down the escalator and finding the line was backed up at the bottom. Laurie says out loud, "this isn't going to be good". And it wasn't. We finally got through the maze known as immigration and rechecked our luggage. After our burger and coffee, we kind of fell asleep on the airport floor. It wasn't comfortable, nor was it a pretty sight, but couldn't really help it. In just a few minutes we'll board the last leg of this journey. I'm too tired to give a meaningful summary of our trip, so that will wait a day or two. We're both very thankful to almost be home.

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