Friday, October 31, 2008


Had a great flight from LAX to Narita, Japan. The miles program we used enabled us to be in what they call business class. I'm sold! We stretched out and enjoyed great service and amazing food. BUT, all that said, 11 hours is still an insane amount of time to be on a plane. Saw two movies, read most of one book, had some limited study time and took a nice healthy nap. Most everyone slept most of the way. Laurie had it figured out that we needed to stay awake and try to get ready for serious time change. We tried. But we also slept.

What an odd feeling to get off the plane and realize we're not just the foreigners, but we're completely on our own. There are plenty of English signs, but still needed to ask for help on more than one occasion to get to the right spot to get the bus to the hotel.

Went to the ATM to get cash for the next leg of the trip. So, I go into the little booth with absolutely no thought on what I'm doing, exchange rate, amount I think we need, or anything What a stupid American. At home, I NEVER use ATMs. So, I'm in the booth, and there are hundreds of people scurrying about the airport. I yell out to Laurie, "so how much do we need?" Then that follows with "and what's the exchange rate?" Like she's supposed to know. So, I pull out 2000 yen, thinking it's maybe 200 USD. I'm hot, kinda tired (2:00a.m. Flag time), and basically clueless. It wasn't until I was getting some bottles of water in the hotel gift shop, that I realized I maybe had about 20bucks. The water and snacks came to about 800 yen. Oops. So, needless to say, I found another atm this morning.

My curiosity is up about the Japanese people. Why are we so isolated? Okay, I mean, why am I so isolated? This culture appears to be so very different. In some ways I'm sure it is, in other ways, people are people. I will say we have enjoyed the wonderful hospitality.

By the way, who decides what countries will have drivers on the left side of the road and who gets the right? Why are 'characters' so different from 'letters'? Is this all about Babel?

This morning, Laurie and I are so thankful to God for allowing us this unique opportunity to travel and minister. Thanks for praying for us as we continue the journey. Today, we board for a 7 hour flight. Can't wait to meet up with Charity and Molly tonight and begin the adventure!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hello LAX. 4:15 alarm actually needs to wake us up! That's a good sign. 4:55 in car to the big Flag airport, quick drive thru the local Starbucks and we're off. In the next couple of hours here at LAX I'll learn how to add photos. Upon arrival we head to the international terminal to find JAL opens an hour later. A good Mexican breakfast calls to me, while Laurie enjoys her all time favorite egg mcsomething.

So, here's where it gets fun. We go ahead and wait in the almost non-line at the JAL counter for a few minutes, thinking we'll get this part out of the way and go sit somewhere, and well, do what I'm doing now. As we wait...all of a sudden a line, single file, all smiles of Japanese gals come out and go directly to their terminals to begin waiting on...well, people like us. Laurie says, "Oh, I'm gonna like this trip". Order. It's all about order. Gotta tell you, it was a rather impressive entry. How can I add this to our Grace presentation on Sunday mornings.??

Now we wait and do some catch up and maybe a little learning about blogworld, then we board our first ever 747 for the 11 hour flight to Tokyo, where we spend the night and head out in the morning to Jakarta.

Thanks to many of you that we've heard from. Thanks for praying for us as you think of us, both on the journey, and the destination. Can't wait to teach and encourage. This will be quite the adventure. Hopefully, a few pictures soon...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

T minus

What does that even mean? I don't know, but I think they use it when they get ready for take off. We're getting ready for take off. It's noon here in Flag. Tomorrow morning we fly from Flag at 6am. So, it's go time. I probably should help with packing, but I tend to mess things up. Laurie is pretty good at this travel stuff. I just ask questions like, 'where are we headed next?', 'when can we eat?', and 'do they serve coffee?'.

Along with the trip details, today is a big day to finish up stuff at Grace office. I'm so very thankful for Pastor Bob. He's definitely a 'go-to' guy.

As we head out tomorrow, I'll do my best to keep you updated. To be honest, with where we're going, I'm not even sure how much I can post and talk about stuff. I'm pretty sure we'll be okay, but I'll wait till we arrive to give some details.